Thursday, March 12, 2009



Tags: tramadol

Blog from:


The aim of this study was to evaluate dynamics of antibiotics consumption and resistance development in selected bacterial strains (Pseudomonas aueruginosa, Staphylococcus carisoprodol aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis) in the environment of Faculty Hospital. Aureus rarely, if ever, causes nosoc ... Tramadol Ultram has played a major role in the treatment of different sort of pains ranging from acute too chronic pain

Here we go again...

Hello, Forum: I was a member here about18 months ago. My former posts show a cocky, dry witted judgemental guy. Need a clue why I'm back? I'm in full blown relapse. Approx 80mg oxycodone/day. Financially ruined, teetering on the edge of losing my job. I think my live-in relationship will survive, bu...

Read the full post from SoberFeed...Live!


via Blogdigger blog search for tramadol.

I survived today. Talked to the NP at Dr. Snape's office, she says liquid diet and let her know if I don't get better soon. She also prescribed Tramadol, which isn't as effective as Vicodin, but doesn't have as many problems with gut motility. Unfortunately, it makes me drugged and sleepy. I came ho ...



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